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Dentures are removable devices which can be worn to replace missing teeth. The process for any denture involves taking impressions, recording measurements for the shape of your mouth, a trial stage and a final fit stage once you are happy. All our dentures are made by a highly experienced team of local dental technicians, and they are finished to the finest quality. There are many types of denture, using different materials, meaning you have a few options to consider. 

What are my options?

Plastic Acrylic Dentures

We offer acrylic dentures both as an NHS and a Private treatment. These are similar in shape to each other, but privately, they are made with a ‘high impact’ diamond acrylic, which provides strength and superior aesthetics. These dentures are then finished and smoothed by the technicians giving them a highly contoured appearance making the teeth and gums look more natural. 


Metal Cobol-Chrome

Cobalt-chrome dentures are made with a strong metal framework that is typically less brittle than plastic. They are designed with meticulous precision and small clips are used to provide excellent grip. One of the biggest benefits of a metal denture is that they can be designed to give less coverage on the roof of your mouth. This can make them more comfortable, less bulky and can also help with taste. 


Flexible Dentures

Flexible dentures are made from a unique, thermoplastic material which is renowned for being highly durable, lightweight, and resistant. Flexible dentures blend naturally with the surrounding teeth and gums meaning they are virtually undetectable in the mouth. They are well-liked by our patients as there is far less coverage over the gums and palate. One of the most popular designs is the ‘unilateral’ design, which simply clips into one small gap and doesn’t cross over the roof of the mouth. 


Please note, not all denture options may be suitable for you, but please ask your dentist for more information and they will be more than happy to help. 


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